Find your voice, redesign your life and relationships, remove what is not the unique you that came to this Earth whole and complete (without the limitations, the stories that you are carrying and that are keeping you stuck) and reveal your authentic self through Somatic (Mind-Body) coaching, NLP therapy with advanced coaching, and Sound Healing.
The awareness of and connection with our own emotions and body sensations via Somatic awareness (mind-body awareness), as well as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) coaching can facilitate major transformation, as well as create a deeper connection and resonance within all of the inner parts that are trying to speak to us, this way creating an ease in the body that can translate into chronic pains that dissipate, the ability to respond more effectively to our bodies when these are trying to get our attention, the recognition that the body and its organs as a whole are a living organism capable of contracting and expanding within environments that are conducive to wilting and blossoming, the ability to foster a better relationship with our bodies and general ease that comes from no longer fighting with ourselves and suppressing our emotions.
I work with people on a 1-1 basis, as well as hosting regular group workshops and sessions, where connecting in community is a beautiful experience!
However I really love working with people individually, as I get to see the amazing transformation that happens through 1-1 work!
For 1-1 sessions, click on the link bellow.
Are you ready to meet your authentic self, by stepping into a life that feels more aligned?
Our experiential history resides in the subconscious and in the soma, which is the greek word for body. Our behavioural patterns and seeming resistance reside in the body, which is our primary consciousness.
When the body goes through a difficult, sudden or traumatic experience, it has an innate and natural intelligence that consists in often involuntary movements and sounds, in order to help ‘digest’, metabolise and release the experience.
When these are stopped or suppressed, what stays in the body are the stuck beliefs and patterns connected to that very experience.
We may adopt a more contracted body, as the fascia (which is made primarily of collagen that envelops the nerves, bones, veins, internal organs amongst many others) is affected.
As the fascia and tissue are affected, the body may adopt a more contracted and resistant posture, a new pattern, in order to help us cope with the new body in pain and the history underlying it.
This is an adaptation that consists on surviving and retreating, not thriving.
Somatic (mind-body) coaching recognises that everything that has happened in our life has been stored not only in the subconscious mind, but also in the fascia and cell tissue of the body, leaving an emotional imprint, which means that memories in the mind, have a physical and energetic correspondence in the body, that may translate into present blocks that are keeping us stuck from creating a fulfilling life, manifesting relationships that feel nourishing and finding our purpose or dharma on this Earth.
Somatic (mind-body) coaching facilitates this way the release of stories and emotions connected to the past, by allowing feelings in the body related to these events to show up, to be metabolised and released, so that we can finally live a life that feels good and wholesome, where by finding our voice, connecting with and befriending parts of us that may have been left isolated is the path toward greater resilience, where finally sitting with our authentic nature is key to a future that genuinely feels expansive.
This is done slowly, with attention to the body, as we invite the body to engage in the organic movement that wants to happen rather than the habituated movement, which leads to tension. We recognise the need for pausing and slowing down when necessary as the body moves slower than the brain, and also with attention to the natural pulsation between the states of expansion and contraction in the nervous system.
Honouring the ebb and flow of life, of the living organism that is our body.
What if I was to tell you that it is estimated that our life is run by 95% of our subconscious mind and only 5% of our conscious mind?
So, whilst I leave your subconscious mind slowly chewing on the above, I will now engage your conscious mind in what I'm about to share with you.
Neuro Linguistic Programming is a rather fancy term right?
Okay, so let's break it down.
Neuro refers to the brain, our central nervous system and other neurological systems in the body that work alongside the brain, connecting via the spinal cord, the Vagus Nerve and others.
Linguistic is a term that refers to language and the fact that one of the ways in which we process information is via language.
Therefore how words are processed, along with using all of our senses, including our intuition determines how we perceive the world around us.
Finally Programming refers to how many of our thoughts, thinking patterns, limiting beliefs, behaviours, reactions, behaviour patterns that have been "programmed" into our brain may run much of our life's choices, just like a computer software as an example, where let's say that this specific program that has been uploaded a long time ago may now be outdated or simply no longer work.
NLP this way shows us that old programs of the brain (mostly the subconscious) can also be programmed out again, so that more beneficial and helpful thoughts, behaviour patterns and new actions can be programmed into our brains, this way leading to a life that feels more expansive, nourishing and peaceful.
Now, in order to reprogram our brains, we need specific tools and techniques that NLP provides.
NLP combined with advanced coaching has the ability to work with the past as well as the present whilst also taking the future into deep consideration, where intentional steps are created toward it.
These tools put together alongside Somatic Coaching can lead to potentially deep change and transformation.
The first fundamental principle of sound is that everything is vibration, and the understanding is that vibration is the fundamental creative force of the Universe. From electrons to Planets, as long as something is alive, it’s vibrating.
Let’s take the word Universe which means one song. Uni = one, Verse = Song.
So everything that vibrates has a specific frequency, which is another principle. The measurement of a sound* is called frequency. Our bodies and their organs, bones and so on have a specific frequency. All of life forms can be identified by their specific frequencies or formula of frequencies.
Another principle of Sound Healing is resonance, which is the natural vibration of an object. And every object has a resonant frequency; the chairs you and I are sat on, our computers and so on.
Depending on the gender and age, over 60% of our bodies is water, which shows how open to resonance we are. This means that we are a conduit for sound. Every organ, the tissues, bones have a resonant frequency, which adds to our own personal resonance/vibratory rate.
Frequency + Intention = Healing
The above is a formula that when used with care and deep positive intention, has the potential to stimulate homeostasis (balance) in the body In Sound Healing, we aim to project what is a natural healthy resonance to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body, bringing ease and a healthy resonance to whichever part of the body that is vibrating out of harmony or out of ease.
As sound has the ability to go into our cellular structure and rearrange our molecules, it is not only a tool to help us deeply relax, it also has the power to reduce pain, enhance sleep and ultimately to heal.
Heal = become sound or healthy again.
I focus on 1-1 and group sound work, where I also incorporate toning (using our voice to make sounds) and humming in order to help people relax and align their 7 centres of spiritual power.
I like to merge other modalities with sound, as a sound immersion for a group of people or on a 1-1 basis, where they get to hear different sounds, alongside with other modalities such as Somatic Movement, Somatic Coaching, NLP, Hypnosis amongst others.
In my work, I also use crystal singing bowls, a tongue drum, tingshas, chimes, tuning fork, himalayan bowls, gongs and several drums along with others, and I still continue to look for more, as my love for instruments continues to grow! (I may need another home just to store these hehe).
I believe that we are here on this beautiful Earth to experience connection, love and joy at the deepest level possible. I believe that in order to get there, that we must find our voice, our unique nature, our unique gifts, and that we must embrace these as we share our journey with those around us.
I believe that in order to get there, we start by embracing our parts, our patterns, our limiting beliefs and our emotions with deep inquiry, curiosity, self compassion, non judgement and inner reliance - I believe that this is the key that unlocks deep transformation within all of us. Everyone has the ability to create a fulfilling and meaningful life, and I am here to assist you to achieve it.
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Find your voice, redesign your life, your relationships and reveal your authentic self